RED DEER - During the 2018-19 hockey season, Hockey Alberta completed a trial project at the Peewee division to implement, test and review a new Provincial Championship Model under the Alberta One initiative. Under this trial, the previous Peewee A-D Provincial Championships transitioned to Peewee Tiers 1-4, with teams qualifying as League Champions from six Minor Leagues/organizations.
Representatives from Hockey Alberta’s Minor Regulations and Minor Leagues Committees have reviewed the data and feedback from the trial project in order to make the most informed decision going in to the 2020 Provincial Championships.
Committee members believe the trial project was successful in laying the foundation for the possible Provincial Championship structure of the future. However, it was agreed that one season is not enough to make a final decision related to the Provincial Championship structure.
Therefore, based on the review of the 2019 Peewee division trial project and taking into consideration results at the Bantam and Midget Zone Provincial Playdowns and Provincial Championships, which saw teams categorized based off league play, tiering, tournament and exhibition play through Minor Regulation 9.1 (c), it has been unanimously agreed to extend and amend the Provincial Championship Trial Project for the 2019-2020 season.
Under the revised trial project, the previous A-D Provincial Championships at the Peewee, Bantam and Midget divisions will move into Tiers 1-4. Teams will not participate in Zone Playdowns, but will instead qualify as League Champions from the following leagues/ organizations:
• Hockey Calgary
• Hockey Edmonton
• Central Alberta Hockey League
• Northern Alberta Interlock
• All Peace Hockey League
• North Eastern Alberta Hockey League
The Bantam Tiers 1-4 Provincial Championship Tournaments will take place on the weekend of March 19-22, 2020, while the Peewee and Midget Tiers 1-4 Provincial Championship Tournaments will happen on the weekend of March 26-29, 2020.
The events will consist of eight teams comprised of the league winners from the six above mentioned leagues/ organizations, one host team and one league runner-up that will be identified as a wild card team by the Minor Regulations and Minor Leagues Committees. Leagues/organizations will be scheduling play to ensure that league champions are determined no later than Sunday, March 8 (Bantam) and Sunday, March 15 (Peewee and Midget).
Provincial Championships at the Atom division will remain unchanged from past seasons. Minor Hockey Associations will declare their teams by December 1 with Zone Playdowns commencing in January.
BULLETIN 18:14 - 2020 Provincial Championship Trial Project
If you have any questions regarding the 2020 Provincial Championship Trial Project, please contact either your Zone Minor Regulations Coordinator or Bryden Burrell, Coordinator of Hockey Programs (