Hockey Alberta announced on Wednesday its plan to fully implement the Respect in Sport Parent and Activity Leader programs for all parents and team officials in Alberta for the 2012/13 hockey season.
“The implementation of this platform for the 2012/13 season will serve as an effective risk management measure as well as be a strong contributor to the overall safety and enjoyment of the game by all participants,” said Hockey Alberta’s General Manager, Rob Litwinski.
By December 1, 2012 and beyond, completion of the Respect in Sport “Parent Program” will be required by each family of every player as a condition of the player’s eligibility to participate on a sanctioned hockey team (excluding junior and senior divisions). By the same deadline, each minor, junior and senior hockey team in the province must have all registered team officials certified by the Respect in Sport “Activity Leader” program or have completed the equivalent “Speak Out” program.
“Each association will be responsible to ensure its participants and team officials meet the requirements by the deadline,” added Litwinski. “Many associations are requiring coaches and parents to complete the program prior to registration, but December 1 is when it is mandatory for the entire province.”
“The Respect in Sport programs are excellent tools that will assist us in providing a safe and respectful environment for our athletes, coaches, volunteers and parents,” said Hockey Edmonton’s President, Betty Chmilar. “Athletes playing in a Hockey Edmonton program for the 2012/13 hockey season will need to have at least one parent complete the Respect in Sport Parent program before they will be allowed to participate in any on-ice activities. We encourage parents to complete this program long before their child’s first evaluation skate.”
The Respect in Sport program is an online certification program designed to protect youth as well as enhance Hockey Alberta’s mandate of providing a safe and fun environment for all participants. It is Canada’s leading online bullying, abuse, harassment, and negligence prevention program for parents, coaches, and community leaders.
Respect in Sport Parent Program – This program provides information on a parents’ natural influence over a child, coach or leaders role in an activity, the role parents play in their child’s enjoyment of a sport or activity, and protecting children when they are outside of a parent’s immediate control. The program also provides parents with tools to evaluate their own behaviour by highlighting five key "behavioural traps" frequently exhibited by parents, particularly in competitive sports.
Respect in Sport Activity Leader Program(for team officials) – This program provides in-depth information on the subjects of bullying, abuse, harassment and neglect. It demonstrates negative behaviours and provides ideas of how a situation may be best handled, including valuable information from subject matter experts delivered in a clear and concise fashion, and asks questions of the leaders based on the scenarios presented.