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The Hockey Alberta Foundation raises funds to foster and support the access to youth hockey in Alberta. Working in collaboration with partners, the foundation is able to offer support to Hockey Alberta Members and community organizations who work to inspire every kid in every community’s passion for hockey. Everyone should have the opportunity to experience Canada’s game and the Hockey Alberta Foundation is proud to offer two grant opportunities:

There are two types of grants available:

Player Assistance Grant

Financial support to current or new players looking to play the game of hockey who may not otherwise have the opportunity to do so because of financial hardship. The purpose of the grant program is to retain and increase the number of young hockey players in Alberta.

More Player Assistance Programs include:

Canadian Tire Jumpstart | Hockey Canada Assist Fund | KidSport Alberta

Community Grant

Funds to create a new program or support an existing program focused on recruiting new players to the game regardless of age, skill or environmental factors. Program grants are awarded to a maximum of $5,000 per year per group. Possible examples include: floor hockey club (renting space or equipment), try hockey program (renting ice or purchasing equipment), pond hockey program and events.

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