Guiding Principles
Applicants seeking an Every Kid Every Community grant should consider the following guiding principles for their projects:
- CREATIVITY- There are many different ways that grant funds can be utilized. We want to hear how original and innovative each community can get.
- PARTNERSHIPS- Without community support through partnerships many organized sports would not be possible. Applicants are encouraged to work with local companies or organizations to get the best possible access to hockey for new kids.
- ACCESS- The goal is to make the game more accessible to kids across Alberta by helping a community create opportunities for kids that wouldn’t otherwise be available.
- SUSTAINABILITY- Each project should be aimed at breaking down financial and other barriers that hold kids back from getting involved. The goal is to see each project made available in following years through community funding.
- LEADERSHIP- Through an Every Kid Every Community project, a community will have the opportunity to display leadership with their ideas and develop leadership among their kids.