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Volunteer Committees

Check the Hockey Alberta Region Map if you have questions on which area your MHA falls in.

Assist Minor Hockey Associations with registration processes (team, player, affiliation), complete team and player approvals, and approve player transfers in HCR, including:
  • Hockey Canada Registry (HCR)
  • Parent Declarations & New Player Registration Requirements 
  • Team Orders, Registration and Approvals
  • Respect in Sport Certification
  • Affiliation


Janet Fairless, Grimshaw
P: 780-618-7326


Amber Boman, Valleyview
P: 780-300-1095

North Central

Seema King, Morinville
P: 780-939-0550

Melissa Schwab, Thorhild


Darcie Brady, Rosalind
P: 780-375-2425

South Central

Erin Linton, Rimbey
P: 403-318-2260


Jennifer Foster, Turner Valley
P: 403-369-5059

Hockey Edmonton

Glenn Sommerville, Edmonton
P: 780-413-3498

Hockey Calgary

Pam Douglas, Calgary
P: 403-245-5773

Staff Lead

Sam Maupin
P: 403-967-0058

Approval of permits and sanctions in an online system, administration of discipline for exhibition games, tournaments and provincials, and investigations of indefinite suspensions, including:
  • Exhibition, Tournament & Travel Permit Sanctions
  • Discipline & Suspensions
  • Suspension Deferrals
  • Maltreatment Tracking Requirements


Committee Chair

Connie Anderson, Sundre
P: 403-638-8324


Sean Tennant, Vermilion
P: (780) 581-5510

North Central

Don Shaw, Whitecourt
P: 780-706-0166


Daryl Pickering, Sylvan Lake (Intro to Hockey, U11 & U18)
P: 403-598-7255

Jim Wood, Wetaskiwin (U13 & U15)
P: 780-360-3050


Ian Martinot, Whitecourt
P: (780) 778-6670

South Central

Roy BowlbyOkotoks
P: (403) 703-1088


Gord Lane, Claresholm
P: 403-682-7697

Hockey Edmonton

Carrie Aldridge, Edmonton

Hockey Calgary

Robin Latajka, Calgary
P: 403-399-6134

Staff Lead

Morgen Kidney
P: 403-967-0040

Minor Leagues Committee oversees:
  • Alberta One Regional League Declarations, Standards, Regulations, Policies & Procedures
  • Hockey Alberta Provincial Championships
  Chair - James Parks  
Vice Chair, Minor - Brendan Melnyk   Vice Chair, Minor Female - Jill Wallace
Central Alberta Hockey League - Terry Siverson North Eastern Alberta Hockey League - Randy Martin Rocky Mountain Female Hockey League - Darcy Williams
Edmonton Federation Hockey League - Chris March Hockey Calgary - Jamie Henry East Central Alberta Female Hockey League - Chad Byrne
 All Peace Hockey League - Peter Burletoff   Girls Hockey Calgary - Brent Sakamoto

Staff Lead - Bryden Burrell, Office: 403-967-0057
Morgen Kidney, Office: 403-967-0040




Aaron Rawlake


AEHL Chair - Devin Selte

AEHL Vice Chair - Lee Hellyer

AFHL Chair - Jody Forbes

AFHL Vice Chair - Lise Cote

AA Chair - Trevor Hittel

Referee in Chief - Craig Decoursey


U18AAA Governor - Bob Olynyk U17AAA Governor - Darcy Robinson U15AAA Governor - Dean Melnyk U13AAA Governor - Shelly Javorsky


U18 AAA Governor - Jason Reynolds U18 AA Governor - Stacey Keyowski U15 AA Governor - Lorissa Nafziger U13 AA Governor - Hernan Iglesias

AEHL AA Operations

Metro North Conference Governor

Tracey Orbell

Rural North Conference Governor

Earl Reid

South Conference Governor

Lane Moore

Calgary Director

Kevin Kobelka

U18 Metro North Governor

Rainie Gervias

U18 Rural North Governor

Rainie Gervias

U18/U16 South Governor

Ryan Bayers

U18/U16 Calgary Governor

Sara Bramall

U16 Metro North Governor

Brenda Neville

U16 Rural North Governor

Brenda Neville

U15 South Governor

Mercedes Marlok

U15 Calgary Governor

Marl Raffard

U15 Metro North Governor

Carrie Aldridge

U15 Rural North Governor

Jordan Kohlruss

U13 South Governor

Rick Smith

U13 Calgary Governor

Greg McCallum

U13 Metro North Governor

Kevin Lentz

U13 Rural North Governor

Travis Galenzoski

Staff Lead - Hudson Kelly

U11AA Chair

Dana Henfrey


U11AA Governor South

Matt Deibert

U11AA Governor North Blue

Julie Feragen

U11AA Governor North Yellow

Malinda Northcott

Staff Contact - Morgen Kidney

Junior A

Alberta Junior Hockey League

Ryan Bartoshyk, Commissioner - Okotoks

Junior B/C Male

Administer permits, sanctions, and discipline for Junior B/C hockey. Liaise with Junior B/C leagues on issues and potential changes.

Mike Fosty Airdrie

Senior Male

Administer permits, sanctions, and discipline for Senior hockey. Liaise with Senior leagues on issues and potential changes.

Contact Hockey Alberta

Junior/Senior Female

Administer permits, sanctions, and discipline for Junior/Senior Female hockey. Liase with Junior/Senior Female leagues on issues and potential changes.

Contact Hockey Alberta

Junior B, C, Female and Senior Club Team Registrar

Lisa Davies - St. Paul

Assist Junior B, C, Female and Senior Male teams with registration processes (team, player, affiliation), complete team and player approvals, and approve player transfers in HCR. 





  • Provide mentorship and guidance to MHA Executive Members.
  • Guide the MHA to ensure compliance with the requirements of being a Hockey Alberta member MHA and a registered non-profit organization.
  • Guide MHA’s on Bylaw, Regulation and Policy development and amendment.
  • Guide MHA’s with respect to meeting structure and effective / efficient meeting etiquette.
  • Provide the MHA’s with access to tools and resources designed to share best practices and provide information.
    Name Liaison Role
    Drew Dixon Staff Lead
    Paul Hiemstra Tier 5 Associations (100-249 players) North
    Dawn LeMaistre Tier 5 Associations (100-249 players) South
    Barry Brost Tier 6 Associations (0-100 players) North
    Chantel Timmons Tier 6 Associations (0-100 players) South